Caller rating for 01422387713

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3 of 3 perceived this call as harassment.
3 of 3 received no info on caller even on demand
1 of 3 would not answer the call again

Caller info for 01422387713

Possible Owner: finance company
User interest: very high
Telephone number: 01422-387713
international: (01422)-387-713
Area Code: Halifax - United Kingdom
Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Ratings on 01422387713

  • 01422387713 rated as finance company (Date: Aug 19, 2013 5:08:08 PM)
    „finance company“ spammen unser Telefon mit Anrufen voll!
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Answer calls from this number.
  • 01422387713 rated as Reactiv Media posing as Consumer Helpline (Date: Sep 12, 2013 9:13:19 PM)
    If you have free calls (eg free weekend and evening calls through BT) then phone them back (with 141 prefix) and tell them to check the TPS website before calling anyone. If they ask for your postcode, refuse to tell them. Also refuse to give your number, or any other information about yourself. Simply state over and over again that they are required to consult the TPS website before calling any number. If they talk over you just keep saying "Dont't talk over me, listen to me" until they stop, then tell them again to consult the TPS website before calling any number. If they try to tell you it doesn't apply to them, eg because they are a marketing company, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. Simply insist they consult TPS before calling anybody. Tell them that is why we sign on with TPS - we don't want to receive these calls. If enough people keep doing that then perhaps they will get as fed up as we are and will consult TPS before calling a number, as they are required to do. Alternatively, here is a script. I suggest reading it straight through, completely ignoring any interruptions, then hang up. If they hang up before you do, then call them again, and repeat until you have been able to read it all or until you get bored. Don't forget to prefix your dialling with 141 each time. Here is the script: Hello there. I am speaking on behalf of British Consumers in order to draw your attention to an organisation which will enable you to do your job better and vastly improve the reputation of your firm in the eyes of the public. The name of that organisation is the Telephone Preference Service, TPS for short, and it can be found online by searching for TPS. It is a legal requirement for telemarketers not to call a TPS subscribed number, however we are aware that you regularly ignore that requirement. It may be that you do not consider the law to apply to you, however I am here to advise you that it almost certainly does, and that if you continue to flout the law your firm can expect to be prosecuted and may have to pay an extremely large fine. In the unlikely event of there being some valid reason for this law not to apply to you, then we would still advise you to recognise that does not alter the fact that members of the public who have gone to the trouble of registering with TPS do not wish to receive any cold calls, and therefore it would be far better, for the reputation of your company, to observe their wishes. If you are not personally able to arrange for our advice to be considered then we strongly suggest that you communicate what I have said to your superiors as soon as possible, so that appropriate remedial action can be taken and further consequences averted. Thank you for listening.
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Answer calls from this number.

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