Caller rating for 01619624999

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after 3 votes:

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3 of 3 perceived this call as harassment.
3 of 3 received no info on caller even on demand
3 of 3 would not answer the call again

Caller info for 01619624999

Possible Owner: Mr A-Z
User interest: very high
Telephone number: 0161-9624999
international: (0161)-962-4999
Area Code: Manchester - United Kingdom
Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

Ratings on 01619624999

  • 01619624999 rated as unknown (Date: Oct 16, 2015 10:46:03 AM)
    Stop calling
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 01619624999 rated as Mr A-Z (Date: Nov 2, 2015 11:18:44 AM)
    received a missed call from 016196224999 this morning on my mobile. did not answer as i did not recognise the number on my contacts or expecting any such calls from anyone. 5 mins later they called back from same number as a cold call. this i answered the call and it was a guy from a ppi company. he insisted that i confirm and give him my details. wanted my address etc to complete his data fact file, as i could get lots of money back. i replied how he got this number. he responded, that is not important but what it is, i am entitled to lots of money if i complete my details with him over the phone and confirm who i am to match the name he has so that he is speaking to right person. this went on well over 5 mins. he became very frustrated as i strung him along and did not confirm any of my details i.e. name or even the number he was ringing. in response to above, before he hanged up, i knew that this was a scam, nuisance and one of harassment nature which is very worrying with hindsight, as he kept on insisting, so i told him not to call this number again and omit it permanently from his system, as he is breaking the law. if he persists then he will be reported to the authorities! at which point he abruptly hang up with abusive unpleasant swear words to me.
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 01619624999 rated as lepus marketing (Date: Nov 10, 2015 2:48:02 PM)
    This company cals everyday and from different numbers..harassment is an understatement..please do not answer and add to your reject list immediately..
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.

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