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Caller rating for 07953966066

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after 11 votes:

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10 of 11 perceived this call as harassment.
10 of 11 received no info on caller even on demand
10 of 11 would not answer the call again

Caller info for 07953966066

Possible Owner: The Zone
User interest: very high - Show history
Telephone number: 079-53966066
international: (079)-539-66066
Area Code: mobil phone number - United Kingdom
Further Information: Find out
This info is supplied without liability.

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Ratings on 07953966066

  • 07953966066 rated as unknown (Date: Nov 19, 2013 1:49:32 PM)
    wanting to swap cars with me? is this a prank mob or something?
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 07953966066 rated as unknown (Date: Jan 15, 2014 12:03:44 PM)
    totally stupid. why do we have to experience this kind of punishment!! telephone scam!!!!!!!!
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 07953966066 rated as unknown (Date: Jan 16, 2014 9:59:06 AM)
    i cant believe that this guy is calling a lot of people. does he have time for anything better? he also called me just now, selling his car!
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 07953966066 rated as unknown (Date: Jul 14, 2014 1:17:50 PM)
    when I answered just they put down that it scraps no
    Perceived as Harassment, Caller Info received on demand ,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 07953966066 rated as unknown (Date: Feb 3, 2015 7:38:36 PM)
    Damned nuisance.
    Perceived as Harassment, Received no information about call's cause and legitimacy.,
    Recommendation: Do not answer calls from this number.
  • 07953966066 rated as The Zone (Date: Jul 5, 2015 1:04:46 PM)
    So much misinformation about this Virgin SMS to landline voice text message " The number 07953 966066 is not a hoax or a scam but the mobile number the message came from could be from friend or foe, but in my experience all my messages were genuine... I received around 7 or 8 perfectly genuine messages from friends which I ignored until a friend asked why I didn’t reply to a message!.. The message is merely a text message sent to your landline and converted to speech but because it is text-speech (Electronic Voice) the automated service reads whatever the sender typed and has we typically abbreviate (shorten) words using "Text Speak", it comes as no surprise the message is often garbled and not always easy to understand, The Mobile telephone number the message came from could be a friend or relative etc, it could also be a text sent to the wrong number but unfortunately the service is open to abuse.. So as always show due diligence because it could be from someone trying to sell you something or worse!. if you don't recognise the mobile number just search for it and make your own informed decision to either respond or not... “Bare in mind the message is often genuine but not always”… 07953 966066 in itself is not a hoax number!..
    no harassment, Caller Info received on demand ,
    Recommendation: Answer calls from this number.

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